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This solo exhibition continues an exploration in sculptural form, of ideas related to parts and wholes. Here this plays out through four structures: a still life, a morphology, a series of ceramic sculptures, and a chandelier. For each of these, the idea of volume is essential - movement between interiors and exteriors, accumulating through iterative repetition - like breath.  

Del Harrow is a sculptor and educator based in Fort Collins, CO. He is an Assistant Professor of Art at Colorado State University and taught previously at Penn State University and Kansas City Art Institute. He has lectured widely: at The University of Colorado, Alfred University, and the Harvard University Graduate School for Design, among others. Harrow has taught a number of workshops (recently at Penland School, Haystack Mountain School, and Cranbrook Academy of Art). His work explores the intersection of digital design with manual and skill based fabrication processes, and has been shown recently at the NCECA conference, The Denver Art Museum, Vox Populi Gallery, and Harvey Meadows Gallery. A large sculpture was recently acquired by the Arizona State University Art Museum for their permanent collection and inclusion in the traveling exhibition “Crafting a Continuum: Rethinking Contemporary Craft”.