Corey Goering's latest collection of paintings and drawings, primal as I wanna be, are intense works on paper filled with anxiety and introspective wonder. Viewers are immediately brought into a world informed by childhood drawings and 70's television graphics, complete with vibrant, unnatural color, energized parades of lines, and intricate patterns of simple imagery filling the space with a restless, exciting pulse.
The labyrinthine imagery hints at the anxieties filling the drawings. Serpentine lines come together to form images of cartoon disease and violence, implying an ever present threat to the childlike nature of the work and the tones of nurturing parenthood, innocence and play. Compulsive behaviors fill the backgrounds with repeated pattern, creating neurotic environments filled with ambiguous sexuality and primitive symbols from a religion yet to exist. The colorful remnants of the artist's youth are reused not to signal regret, but stand as vestigial elements that one holds onto to steer them through the hazards of the present.
Corey Goering, born 1973 Kingman, Kansas, studied Printmaking at the Kansas City Art Institute. He works in a studio from his home in Overland Park, Kansas that he shares with his wife and two children. He has worked with various artist collectives and has been included in group shows around the country including the Flux Factory in New York, the Receiver Gallery in San Francisco, and Big Medium in Austin, Texas. The upcoming show, in October, marks his first ever solo exhibition.