Garry Noland, a native of South Dakota, earned a BA (Art History) from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1978. Noland is a 2014 Charlotte Street Foundation Visual Artist Fellow. Prior to becoming executive director of the Kansas City Artists Coalition (1986-1991) Noland wrote reviews and criticism for Forum, the magazine of the Kansas City Artists Coalition; New Art Examiner, and Wichita's Art Extra. His work has been featured in Temporary Art Review, Riverfront Times,
Chicago Tribune, Omaha Reader, Kansas City Star and Artcore Journal. Noland's projects in 2014/2015 include the Charlotte Street Foundation Visual Artists Award Exhibition at the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art and an exhibit at University of Northern Iowa. Noland is included in The Viewing Program, The Drawing Center, NYC.
Solo Exhibitions
2014 Near Abstractions, Zarrow Art Center-University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
2013 Floor Samples and Test Patterns, Studios Inc, Kansas City, MO. Essay: Jamilee Polson-Lacy
2013 The Unorganized Territory, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE.
2012 Made and Connected, City Ice Arts, Kansas City, MO. Essay: Anthony Baab
2010 The Unorganized Territory, Fine Art Gallery, University of MO-KC.
2009 Mass Wasting, McWethey Gallery, Cornell College, Cornell, IA
Selected Group Exhibitions
2014 The Center is a Moving Target, Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art-Crossroads, Kansas City, MO. Curated by Erin Dziedzic.
2014 Downstream, Beverly Gallery, Fort Gondo Compound for the Arts, St. Louis, MO. With Peggy Noland.
2014 The Tyranny of Good Taste, La Esquina (Kansas City, MO) and Glass Curtain Gallery, Columbia College (Chicago, IL). Curated by Danny Orendorff.
2013 Construction, Frank M. Basille Exhibition Hall, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN.
2013 Jackie Brown, Kathleen Thum, Garry Noland, ROYGBIV, Columbus, OH.
2012 Concept OK/KC, Hardesty Art Center, Tulsa, OK. and LaEsquina, KCMO. Curated by Liza Statton and Jamilee Polson. Catalog.
2012 Curatorial Studies, Subterranean Gallery, Kansas City, MO. Curator: Ayla Rexroth. Group Show. 11/3 – 30.
2012 Bemis Center Regional Juried Exhibition, Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, NE. Juror: Shannon Stratton, Director- ThreeWalls, Chicago, IL. 2 Mar-7Apr. Show/exhibition award.
2012 Construct, School 33 Art Center, Baltimore, MA. Curator: Margaret Winslow, Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE Jan 13-Mar 3. Group Exhibit.
2011 Kansas City Abstract, Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, Kansas. Bruce Hartman, curator.