William LaChance’s pictures are associations of displaced forms and colors cribbed from graphic design, fashion, art history and nature itself cobbled together using a variety of methods and materials from painting and printmaking to assemblage and sewing. The paintings themselves have shifting hierarchies of similar concerns: of material exploration, abstract identity, formal space and narrative expression. They openly blur the boundary between high art and applied arts not only in principle but in practice- lending themselves to various manner of surface design, from textiles and branding to fully realized earthworks. LaChance’s recent mural adorning the Kinloch Park basketball courts was named the best designed basketball court in the world by Architectural Digest.
Solo Exhibitions
2018 William LaChance: (After) Edge City, Beers London, London
Selected Group Exhibitions
2018 Summer Salon Show, Beers London, London
2018 This Must Be The Place, Madison Gallery
2017 75 Works on Paper, Beers London, London